talks and publications

01 | 2020: Future of fashion - shift towards sustainable consumption, lecture
Keynote - The responsible fashion user, swedish embassy, Berlin
10 | 2019: Trans-Sustain, presentation and lecture
8th international conference on social responsibility, ethics and sustainable business (ICSR), University Minho, Braga, Portugal
09 | 2019: Competences and learning approaches for fashion design students to enable a sustainable change in the fashion supply chain, presentation and lecture
International RMER (Responsible Management Education Research) Conference, University Jönköping, Sweden
05 | 2019: Trends in sustainable fashion, panel talk
10-year anniversary of the Wertvoll Eco-Concept Store, Berlin
02 | 2019: Rethinking fashion design, lecture
Forum "Paradigm shift in the fashion and textile industry", sustainability as a value driver, hessnatur Foundation and Regional Management Berlin South-East
02 | 2019: Rethinking fashion design - sustainability in a creative discipline, book
Diplomica Publishing House, Hamburg
10 | 2018: Making Utopia possible, lecture
Hannover University
02 | 2018: Implementing Sustainable Thinking and Acting in Design - and Textile Education - A holistic and interdisciplinary learning model, article
Trends in Textile Engineering and Fashion Technology, Crimson Publishers, New York
11 | 2017: Connected Knowledge, Full Paper
Cumulus Design Conference, Paris
06 | 2017: Implementation of sustainable thinking and acting in textile and design courses of study - competence requirements and didactic implementation proposals, master thesis
TU Kaiserslautern
03 | 2016: What must university lecturers be able to do today?, publishing
New demands on teaching staff through competence-oriented teaching/learning design
TU Kaiserslautern